My Future Plan

Өөрийнхөө тухай, ирээдүйнхээ тухай Англи хэл дээр зохиож бичих хэрэг хүмүүст нилээн гардаг. Гэтэл яаж бичихээ мэддэггүй. Харин санаа авчихаж болох нэгэн бичлэгийг доор орууллаа. Copy paste хий гээгүй шүү, зүгээр санаа аваарай!

I’m a senior at the National University of Mongolian school of Information Technology, majoring in a computer network engineer. As I planned: otherwise, due to my interest I chose this major. Advancement in technology age, my major has become one of the vital constantly rising requirements in every area. So I’m really satisfied with my decision. Like others, I have set certain goals I would like to achieve in the future which are to get a good education, to find an ideal job career and contribute to my country at the same time helping people.

In my opinion, education is extremely important. In order to achieve success and to reach our goals, we have to learn more and educate ourselves. That’s why I always try to develop my self and eager to learn new things as much as I can. As a result, within 3 short years, I have developed strong organizational abilities, communication skills and creativity by participating actively in any social works that have enabled to build good relationship with any social groups. After finishing my school, I’m going to study in abroad, where computer network sciences are developed well, to improve my major skills there.

My next step would be focusing on my social status. After I obtain either my masters or doctorate degree, I will work by my major in my native country. I’m sure that doing my favorite job will make me happy. Second big goal is I want to become a famous entrepreneur to found my own company like Microsoft or Google that supports economy and my country as well. I believe that my extensive knowledge and work experiences will allow me to found my own big company.

Eventually, one of the precious dreams is which are to contribute to my country’s prosperity. Actually main reason of running into my own business is related to above. I wish my country develop more than other developed countries. Moreover, I will found nursing home for children who are orphan or homeless for all their sakes. For the all above, I need to study hard and try to do my best. I can say with confidence that I can accomplish my tasks. My dreams have been motivating me to reach peak of the success.
Finally, I would like to say that “Let’s have a dream and let’s struggle for our bright future!

                                                                                              by my friend Nandin.


  1. баярлалаа үнэхээр хэрэгтэй зүйл байна

  2. thank you so much for this post. Good luck girl. Keep moving!! ok. By the way your blog is not boring! ^_^

  3. мундаг юмаа баярлалаа


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